Anecdotes about your Pittie be damned…
Growing up in a foreign country, there isn’t much of a dog culture the way there is here in the United States. Dogs were not seen as part of the family, but as companions and friends. Coming to the United States, it was a bit of a culture shock when it came to dog and pet culture in general for me, but media does a great job of getting you to see pets as part of the family.
As a result, I became a dog person. I love dogs and I think they are a good addition to the family, but not all dogs are the same. Some dogs fall to their breed’s temperament and genetic traits. Pitbulls are a perfect example of this.
Look, don’t come here giving me shit about the names. Whether you call these hounds from hell American Staffordshire terriers or plain ol’ “pItTieS”, they’re pitbulls. You and I both know they are, so let’s get that straight right out of the gate.
As for your next prevarication about chihuahuas, save it for a Facebook comment under one of your pitmommy mutual’s posts whining about why the dog tried to eat her face. Chihuahuas might fuck up my heels and ankles, but they are incapable of pulling and biting off arms, legs, and throats. The audacity to even bring up these tiny, bratty little dogs compared to something as massive as a pitbull! It’s the narcissistic gaslighting for me.
They’re neurotic, ugly, or both. Oh, you’re pitbull wouldn’t hurt a fly? Who gives a shit? You need to be worried about whether or not it’ll hurt you.
I’m sick and tired of seeing a story about some elderly couple, baby, toddler, or random person who was attacked by someone’s poorly behaved, ugly ass pitbull. We get it. You see yourself in the dog because you feel/felt unloved, unwanted, and unappreciated, but you are not a fucking dog. Instead of seeing yourself in this hell beast, why don’t you seek therapy to unpack those feelings?
It’s not the dog, it’s the owner? How about it’s both? Denying the genetic traits of dogs is anti-intellectual as fuck. Also, the owner’s denial of this fact is at fault because why is your neurotic four-legged Fido from hell so fucking close to me? I certainly don’t feel like figuring out if “Luna” is losing to her intrusive thoughts to eat my leg. I’m good and we’re good. I don’t need to know you nor do I want to. Your willingness to own a dog that’s dangerous is enough to tell me everything I need to know.
Enter the racists who will say I am racist for not liking these creatures. They’ll accuse me of hating black people since I don’t like pitbulls (I’m black). Not offensive at all to compare black people to dangerous animals known for making up most of the fatal dog bites/attacks statistics! No offense taken!
The very lack of mathematical insight in defense of these dogs is insane to me. Nothing says, “They left my ass behind when they weren’t supposed to leave any child behind,” like using anecdotal fucking evidence about your ticking timebomb of a dog in the face of statistics and analysis. Seriously, your dog being a sweetie is irrelevant. Please cut that shit out.
We need a pitbull ban to save cats, random dogs, and other humans from turning into puppy chow. We don’t care about your velvet hippo, baby. Hippos are dangerous anyway — velvet or not. You see yourself in your dog because you have unresolved issues you need to work out. We don’t see ourselves in the dog because we’re in touch with reality.
Get a labrador or some shit, but leave the pitbulls alone.